Create the life you want
With many parts of Australia devastated by bushfires many lenders & Life Insurers are offering support to their clients whether they be home owners, business owners or employees of businesses that have been affected by the fires.
We have received numerous emails from lenders and insurers indicating they will assist their clients. Some of the assistance offered includes:-
Additionally one of the major lenders have indicated they will pay full wages to any of their employees who have been fighting the fires and consequently been absent from work.
Many lenders have committed large sums of money to various charities, counselling organisations and the Rural Fire Service.
It has been a harrowing time for all those affected by the bushfires and the overwhelming support shown across the globe is fantastic to see.
If you know someone affected by the fires I encourage you to pass on these details and get them to contact their lender and/or life insurer as soon as possible to see what assistance is available.
Create the life you want
Chrysalis Lifestyle Planning Pty Ltd
Suite 301, 7 Oaks Avenue
Dee Why NSW 2099
T (02) 9972 2633