Create the life you want
From our QF Redundancy experience over the past 16 years, these are our 10 Top Tips for Qantas staff when considering if a Voluntary Redundancy (VR) is right for you:
Compulsory Redundancy
If you are facing a compulsory redundancy (CR) you will not have the opportunity to be in control of the decisions and this makes the process much harder for you to get your head wrapped around. A trusted advice partner becomes extremely important in this case to map things out for you and to guide you gently into your next chapter of life which has been forced upon you abruptly. You can and you will thrive if you make good, considered decisions. It’s not the end of the world even though it feels like it might be! It’s just a process so again it’s critical not to let this stress you out.
Read Chrysalis Director Phil Windsor’s own journey from Qantas to Chrysalis story in our company news section. Phil is proof that a redundancy can open new doors as he shares his heart for helping deliver the best outcome for others facing redundancy.
If you or someone you know at Qantas are facing possible redundancy, please get in touch and we will be happy to help get the best outcome for you.
Find our more about the current 2020 redundancies on our Qantas Redundancy web page.
Create the life you want
Chrysalis Lifestyle Planning Pty Ltd
Suite 301, 7 Oaks Avenue
Dee Why NSW 2099
T (02) 9972 2633